Proctor Mechanical Corporation was selected to perform the mechanical portion of the Moulton Elementary School Renovation Project. The project includes removal of the existing heating and cooling system including boilers, chillers, pumps, condensers, and piping. The new system being installed includes 2 boilers, fluid cooler, pumps, condensers, heat pumps, radiators and piping. This project includes 2 large energy recovery ventilators on the roof. These are ducted on the roof with double wall insulated spiral duct.
Moulton Elementary will be open for school in late August. This will require Proctor Mechanical Corporation to have their work completed by August 15th. This is a short timetable for a project of this size and scope, but Proctor Mechanical Corporation will meet his challenge head on. Moulton Elementary will be ready for the kids to return from their summer break.
Moulton Elementary School Renovation