Recruit the Right People
We've developed a highly specialized and very selective criteria for personnel recruitment. Everyone at Proctor is a highly motivated team player. We bring more than "warm bodies" to the table. We recruit well educated, motivated professionals and encourage them to build a career with Proctor Mechanical. This highly motivated, stable team concept has been our recipe for success, allowing us to produce award-winning projects on time and within budget and exceeding customer expectations since 1932.
Continuing Education
We schedule regular in-house class sessions to keep everyone abreast of new technology, making sure everyone is provided with the training to plan, communicate, and coordinate our systems installations. We train communication skills to enhance team performance. As part of our Power™Team concept we encourage our staff to contribute ideas to help us reach our collective goals. Our success is assured through our teams application of advanced management skills.
Motivated Players
We reward performance because we want our people to build their career with Proctor. This ensures continuity through all phases of works in progress and further maintains the consistent growth that comes with client satisfaction.
Proctor Precision Planning
Mies Van Der Rohe said "God is in the details." Our success is built on scrutinizing details. Utilizing our time-proven Proctor ProVision™ planning technique, we identify pitfall scenarios and resolve potential conflicts on paper long before they get into the field.
State-of-the-Art Approach
Our reputation for systems expertise has been earned since 1932 with a long tradition of vigilance for new technology to maintain continuous improvement to all phases of design, planning and scheduling. Our clients get the best. We offer value engineering through application of our experience to all projects. Those with outside engineering firms are enhanced by our involvement. Those which are done on a design-build basis are initiated with this approach.
Power Scheduling
We're experts at integrating all aspects and phases of a project so we can navigate around the task conflicts that develop in the course of any construction project. We meet deadlines and stay within budget.
Forget about wasting time playing phone tag. Our clients enjoy the convenience of on-line access to project status reports. Project information is available by going to (project number) and entering the project's unique user name and password. There you can access reports for quick review or print. At Proctor Mechanical we understand the importance of communication as a critical part of our business and we have integrated the most modern communication tools available to assure that you have those resources at their virtual fingertips. ContactProctor Mechanical for more information about extranets.